Amicaliste, Enterprise Social Media & Enterprise Social Network

Get your corporate social media

Use the new management culture of men

Create your collaborative network and your branded social media mobile App

The power of the Enterprise social media network

The Enterprise social media network is a new dynamic tool for sharing information. It encourages exchanges between employees in real time or deferred. It creates proximity among employees by opening up the hierarchical barriers and developing direct social links. Thanks to the Mobile, be connected in real time with colleagues allows greater productivity in a work team. The main benefit for the Enterprise is the creation and sharing of knowledge related to business issues or business projects …. without forgetting the new management culture of men.

Promote communication and innovation


Give employees the way to express themselves

Make information accessible to everyone

Enhance collaboration among some business groups

Encourage innovation in the enterprise

Identify talents and develop skills

Allow sharing and knowledge management any time

Use mobile App anyhere

Complete Corporate Identity

Get your branded mobile App using entreprise graphical charts and icons.

Entreprise network connection

Use the App over your entreprise network and get the most of business software connections.

Want your enterprise network and your Social App ?