The professional mobile applications, an important data source for a fast decision-making

Sami Darouti

CEO at Coppelis

Discussing about mobility in a decision-making context often means talking about mobile Business Intelligence Apps.

In this article, I suggest to bring up the subject with a different point of view. The mobile devices are not used only to view graphs but to feed the system with rich and reliable data for a fast decision-making.

Let us talk about professional mobile applications.

The usage of professional mobility allows the extension of the information system to be available everywhere and at any time. According to many studies, more than 50 % of business-specific applications will be on mobile devices in the coming few years.

The challenges of mobility

The mobility challenges for a company are to increase productivity and quality, to reduce costs and to optimize process. In the decision-making domain, it is a matter of setting up tools helping to follow-up projects, to decide and to act.
Let us take now the example of a road inspection officer who detects a pipeline problem.

He is equipped with a mobile App to quickly and accurately capture the information required for disaster declarations using predefined date lists and including photos and GPS location. This information, sent in real time to the central site, will encourage quick decision-making to launch the right action.

Photos will allow a visual analysis of the damage impacts and the intervention conditions on-site. Map location will allow to detect if it is in a risky zone. A team of experts close by the location, also equipped with mobile Apps, can rescue quickly after receiving this request.

Meanwhile, the top management is informed in real time about the project achievement and can communicate with clients on progress status.
Do we agree with the importance of rich information sent in real time to decision-makers through mobile business applications?

What is key factor of a mobility project success?

Mobility can introduce new technical, functional, organizational and regulatory issues which should not be underestimated. It is important to clearly identify the objectives, to determine the scope, to define the constraints and requirements for choosing the best software solution and mobile devices. The priority should be given to the selection criteria which are multiple according to the context of the project. Do not forget risks associated to the information security.

A mobility project must be integrated into the global strategy of a company. Not to mention the involvement of top management and the change management process, which are key factors for the success of the project.


The mobile has become an essential tool in everyday life, now it also becomes essential in the professional world. Factor of productivity and reactivity, source of information to improve the decision-making, the professional mobility is now a must have… better to achieve it with the right tools and the right partners.

How may we help ?

At Coppelis, aware of our client performance results, our mission is to commit creating value for our customers, to understand the decision-making steps and to provide ready to use and adaptable digital solutions, based on innovation and Mobile technology.

One of our best seller is AuditTab, a quality management solution on mobile, including technical auditing, project reports, work acceptance, performance monitoring and reporting.

It is based on 5 main steps, using an Agile approach with iterative cycle.

For further information or for a free trial offer please contact us:

Sami Darouti, CEO at Coppelis, is an expert in mobile solutions and Business Intelligence systems.

About Coppelis : Coppelis is a French consulting and software company, specialized in innovative digital and cost effective solutions. Our main mission is to help our customers to improve the performance of their business, to share knowledge and knowhow with them.


Sami Darouti

CEO at Coppelis